Author Archives: SCAS

Back-to-School Special: Pets in the Classroom!

Research suggests that classroom pets can improve academic performance and social skills in children (See McCullough et al., 2019). The Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) has funded research by Dr. Marguerite E. O’Haire, Purdue University, to study guinea pigs in classroom settings.

‘SCAS provided instrumental funding to enable our initial research on guinea pigs in school classrooms. With their support, we were able to identify that the presence of guinea pigs in the classroom led to improvements in social functioning for both children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their typically developing peers. These findings led to an ongoing stream of research on animals in school classrooms and for children with autism. I am grateful for their support of my own work and of the broader field’.

Dr. Marguerite E. O’Haire

Tell a teacher! Do know, or are you a teacher who wants to help children experience the joy and learning opportunities of interacting with and caring for animals? Especially those children who do not have the opportunity to interact with pets at home!

Pets in the Classroom is an educational grant program that provides financial support to teachers in the US or Canada to purchase and maintain small animals in the classroom. The program was established by the Pet Care Trust to provide children with an opportunity to interact with pets—an experience that can help to shape their lives for years to come.

Donate, apply for a grant, or access free resources here:

Responses sought for White Paper on Reforming the Private Rented Sector

The UK Government is seeking responses to its White Paper on Reforming the Private Rented Sector. This is part of the levelling up reform agenda and includes a more permissive approach to pets in housing:

The deadline is 23 August, but you can request an extension (email:

Respondents don’t need to respond to every question – just those of relevance to their interest. Submission to Parliament re White Paper on Reforming the Private Rented Sector is via this link:


Free SCAS Conference Places

Each year, the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) gives away a limited number of free conference places to delegates from developing countries who are interested in the relationship between humans and companion animals, and how they can protect and nurture this bond. This year, we are looking to give away five free places to those who are interested in pets in housing issues that would otherwise be unable to attend for financial reasons, but believe that attendance at the conference could provide the knowledge and understanding to support the cause in their home country.

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SCAS Chairperson Dr Elizabeth Ormerod has been nominated for a PAAWstival 22 award!

Alongside many other worthy contenders, SCAS Chairperson Dr Elizabeth Ormerod has been nominated for a PAAWstival 22 award in the ‘Gamechangers’ category. This category recognises the people who inspire us as campaigners & advocates doing great things for animals’ welfare from raising awareness to changing the law.

Please consider Voting for Dr Elizabeth Ormerod!

August 8 is International Cat Day!

August 8 is International Cat Day – one of the 365 days of the year we can celebrate our feline companions. Every day is ‘cat day’ for those of us who share our lives with cats, but International Cat Day allows us to reflect on what makes cats so special. SCAS is dedicated to promoting the appreciation and wellbeing of cats as companion animals, and now has a monthly SCAS-authored blog on Katzenworld.

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The challenges of no pets accommodation, by Dr Elizabeth Ormerod BVMS

SCAS Chairperson Dr. Elizabeth Ormerod has written an article for Vet Times on the Challenges of no pets accommodation.  

In the first of a three-part series, this first article will provide an overview of pets in housing issues, discuss progressive legislative developments and explain why addressing pets in housing issues is the current priority for the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS).

Pets in Housing is the focus of this year’s annual SCAS conference, ‘Pet Friendly Housing: How can we keep people and pets together?’ (Register here).