Author Archives: SCAS

The CATalyst Council grant program might be of interest to some of our members based in North America!

‘Individuals and organizations are invited to apply for grants of up to $20,000 to fund efforts that increase the medicalization of companion cats. Areas of interest could include telemedicine, animal welfare/sheltering, data collection, access to care and or preventive care’ (Call closes 15 Oct):

Funding from the WALTHAM™ Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) programme

The Waltham Petcare Science Institute HAI research funding call is now open! Up to a value of 255,000 USD over 3 years. Not bound by geographical location. Preferred research areas include: under-researched populations, impact on mental health, and the role of technology in HAI across different populations.

Closes 15 Nov 2022

3x Academic Positions in HAI: The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine

The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine is excited to invite applications for three full-time, research-focused, tenure-eligible faculty positions (open-rank) focusing on human-animal interaction. They are especially interested in candidates who focus on interactions with domestic species and research questions related to the human-animal bond. A full description of these positions and application instructions can be found here:

Postdoctoral research position open at Lincoln University, UK to study human-dog interactions

Postdoctoral research position open at Lincoln University, UK to study human-dog interactions.
‘A current key animal welfare concern is the increasing popularity of brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs. Despite the efforts of working groups and a number of campaigns, little progress has been made in reducing demand for this breed. This multidisciplinary study will identify how potential owners become attracted to these breeds, despite their recognised problems, and how they reconcile these issues.’

Location:  Lincoln
Salary:   From £34,304 pro rata
Please note this role is fixed term until 31 May 2023, and part time at 0.4 FTE.
Closing Date:   Monday 22 August 2022
Interview Date:   Wednesday 31 August 2022

2022 SCAS Conference – Pet Friendly Housing: How can we keep people and pets together?

Book a Place Online Here

The Annual Conference is a highlight of the SCAS year and we hope you can join us for this exciting (online) event on 18th September 2022! This year’s SCAS Conference, ‘Pet Friendly Housing: How can we keep people and pets together?’, will focus on the challenges of pet restrictive housing and potential solutions. It’s a great opportunity for like-minded people to come together to hear the latest science and practice on a topic that’s important to the relationship between people and pets, supporting the bond to ensure people and pets stay together. International speakers at the forefront of research, policy, and education will help us learn about the latest advances in science as well as encouraging collaboration between researchers, healthcare professionals, and housing stakeholders who play key roles in improving access to pet-friendly accommodation.

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SCAS Chairman Elisabeth Ormerod presented at the Lisbon Conference on The Link (between animal abuse and violence among people)

SCAS Chairman Elisabeth Ormerod presented at the Lisbon Conference on The Link (between animal abuse and violence among people), 1 July 2022.  

Dr Ormerod’s presentation, titled ‘The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence: Experiences from Europe (United Kingdom, Sweden, The Netherlands) and a Pathway to Preventing Future Violence’ can viewed here (1:43:58).

Dr Ormerod’s talk begins at 1:43:58).

The full programme is available in English and Portuguese, and presentation recordings can viewed here.

Office Dogs are Good for Business!

In the US, 24 June 2022 is Take Your Dog to Work Day! But why not make everywhere and every day a day where your dog can come to the office with you?  Research has shown that having pets in the workplace improves productivity, collaboration, and alleviates stress. Visit HARBI’s Woofice for more information and best practices to make workplaces pet friendly.

Employers are beginning to understand the importance of the human-animal bond and how pet-friendly policies can make their company more competitive. Several big US companies such as Amazon and Google already have dog-friendly office policies. To attract top talent to their company, one of London’s most prestigious law firms is also now permitting lawyers to bring their dogs to work.

Perhaps YOU could get your boss on board with this handy guide HABRI put together for businesses interested in increasing the wellbeing of their employees and their pets.