Call for papers: Veterinary Science Special Issue ‘Interdisciplinary Considerations in Animal Assisted Interventions’

Veterinary Science Special Issue ISSN 2306-7381: Interdisciplinary Considerations in Animal Assisted Interventions

The deadline for abstracts is June 15, with a final manuscript deadline of September 15, 2021.

Please submit a 250-word abstract by June 15, 2021 to Amy Johnson:

The abstract should include a title that is descriptive as to what the article will represent. Within the abstract, include a description of the article with findings rather than a literature review.

The guest editors of the Veterinary Science Special Issue (Interdisciplinary Considerations in Animal Assisted Interventions) would like to encourage you to contribute scholarly papers that relate to interprofessional aspects of human-animal interactions (HAIs), assistance/service animals, and animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) including, but not limited to, animal-assisted therapy, animal-assisted education, and animal-assisted activities. As the inclusion of HAIs and AAIs grows, so does the need for theoretical foundations, ethics, standards of practice, categorical competencies, ensuring suitability and consent, continuing education, AAI educational and therapeutic outcomes, and risk assessments and management plans. In addition to the topics listed, we are also seeking scholarly work in the areas of animal participation, animal suitability selection, evaluation, behavior, communication, preparation and training, welfare and well-being. Work involving species other than dog and horse are also encouraged.

More information on scope and author instructions here.

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