IFAW Animal Action Awards – who are your animal heros?

Last October at a prestigious ceremony at the House of Lords hosted by Baroness Gale and Queen legend and animal welfare campaigner Brian May, IFAW proudly honoured the achievements of 10 award winners for their outstanding work to help animals.

IFAW need your help to find this year’s dedicated and committed animal heroes.

Last year’s winners included young vet Vikki Fowler, from Lancashire, who was honoured for rescuing and rehabilitating neglected horses; Julie Hinks from Hampshire, who cares for and rehomes tortoises, many of which have been illegally smuggled into the UK; Kate Williams, a volunteer pet foster carer with Bolton-based Paws for Kids, which provides specialised support for women and children pet owners fleeing domestic violence; and Grace Yoxon, from the Isle of Skye, who was recognised for her global work in otter conservation.

We’re not just looking for people. Last year’s Animal of the Year award went to Haatchi, an Anatolian shepherd dog who suffered horrific injuries after being tied to a railway line and hit by a train. Haatchi, who lost his tail and a leg in the incident, has formed an amazing relationship with the young son of the family who adopted him. Now qualified as a Pets as Therapy dog, Haatchi also works with amputee soldiers and seriously ill children.

IFAW invite you to submit nominations for people you believe have made a significant contribution to animal welfare for the 2013 Animal Action Awards. They’re looking for UK heroes, perhaps someone who runs a sanctuary or rescue centre, a volunteer or fundraiser who would be suitable for the youth award, a campaigner on animal or conservation issues, or an animal that you think is deserving of an award and recognition.

The 2013 Animal Action Awards will be presented in October. Please ensure that you get your nomination in by June 30, 2013.

If you know someone who should receive this award, nominate them by filling in this form.

Please be sure to include:

  • your personal information and the information of the person you are nominating
  • a description of the work the nominee has done for animals
  • and why you think she/he is deserving of an Animal Action Award.

Nominate your Animal Action Award hero today!

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