National Dog Bite Prevention Week

April 9-11 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week in the US.

This is an issue SCAS takes seriously. #PreventDogBites

A recording of our recent Webinar, When dogs bite back – Reducing dog bite incident risks, is still available (for a small fee to non-SCAS members).

By Dr Jacqueline Boyd BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, PGCHE, CHES, FHEA, MRSE, Senior Lecturer in Animal Science at Nottingham Trent University to present this webinar.

Dog bite incidents regularly attract media attention. When serious incidents occur, much debate centres around the characteristics of the dog, including discussion about dog breed or type, rather than the overall context of the situation. In this webinar, the variable nature of dog bite incidents will be considered. This will include discussion about specific risk factors associated with increased occurrence of bite incidents, in order to consider how our relationships with dogs can impact on their behaviour and bite risk. This has clear applications in terms of supporting canine caregivers in the management, training and even selection of dogs for their individual circumstances, whilst also taking a canine-centric approach to mitigating bite risk.

This webinar aims to explore how appreciating the intersectionality of the human-dog relationship can aid our understanding of dog bites and support a move towards reducing the occurrence of bite incidents.

See here for a full listing of our monthly Webinars.

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