Thank You to All Volunteers!

We previously shared an article on the benefits of volunteering to volunteers, beneficiaries, and society for International Volunteers Day. Volunteers Week (3-9 June) is another opportunity to celebrate and support all the amazing volunteers who donate their time to help animals and people.

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the volunteers – past, present, and future – who continue to support SCAS!

Like many smaller charitable organisations, we rely on volunteers to meet our objectives through the work, events, and communication SCAS undertakes. We simply could not operate without you and are most grateful to all our volunteers.

Recently we welcomed new recruits to the Comms Team and are so grateful for their enthusiasm to apply their skills to help SCAS achieve its goals.

The Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) is a charitable organisation, established in 1979 to promote the study of human-companion animal interactions and raise awareness of the importance of pets in society. SCAS is committed to providing education, raising awareness, encouraging evidence-based research (including funding), and influencing the development of policies and practices that support the human-companion animal bond.

We are also currently seeking individuals to join the SCAS Board of Trustees:

What about you?

We would love to hear about the non-profits our members and followers volunteer with, and what kinds of roles you are engaged in! Please share your experiences and any opportunities that may be of interest to SCAS members.

Follow us on FB and Twitter (@SCASuk) and tag us with your volunteer stories or thank you messages to volunteers!

SCAS is the UK’s leading human-companion animal bond organisation through funding research, providing education, raising awareness, encouraging best practice, and influencing the development of policies and practices that support the human-companion animal bond. For more details check out our website at

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